10 Rights in Giving Medications

The Ten(10) Rights of Medication Administration is a guide that every nurse should review before administering any medication to patients to avoid errors. This is also called the 10 Rs in Giving Medications.

1. Right Patient

2. Right Drug

Nursing Care Plan (NCP): Fever

Fever is characterized by an elevation of temperature, usually 37.5 C and above. Fever can be an early sign of infection, as the body attempts to eliminate the bacteria/virus by rising the body's temperature. This is common among children and postoperative patients. And as a nurse, we will need to devise a nursing care plan that will help patients' temperature to return to normal.

Situation: As the nurse, you saw Anna wearing a jacket, pajama, socks and is curled inside a blanket. Upon taking her temperature, you found out that it is above normal: 38C.

Expanded Program On Immunization

Expanded Program on Immunization or EPI is a program in the Philippines designed to give vaccines to children to protect them from certain diseases. These vaccines include BCG(Bacillus of Calmente-Guerin), DPT(Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus), OPV(Oral Polio Vaccine), Hepatitis B, and Measles. Each vaccine can be given depending on the child's age. Some of the vaccines are given are given only once and some are given 3 times with different intervals.


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