Communicable Disease: Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is one of the most common communicable disease(CD) in the Philippines. It is an acute febrile disease caused by one of the serotypes of dengue virus and is transmitted by a bite of mosquito specifically the Aedes egypti.

Other Names:
  • Breakbone Fever
  • Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Dandy Fever
  • Infectious Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Etiologic Agent:
  • Flavivirus
The mosquito that causes Dengue Fever is Aedes Egypti. But there are also other types of mosquito that can cause the febrile disease.
  • Aedes Polynensis
  • Aedes Albopictus
  • Aedes Scutellaris Simplex
Since, Aedes Egypti is the main cause of Dengue, here are it's characteristics:
  • Day biting mosquito
  • Breeds on stagnant water
  • Usually low flying
  • With fine white dots at the base of the legs and white bands at the base of the legs
Incubation Period:
  • The incubation period is from 3 to 14 days but it is most commonly from 7 to 10 days
Mode of Transmission:
  • It can be transmitted through vector borne. If a person that has a dengue and he was bitten by a mosquito, the mosquito then become a carrier of the virus and it can transmit the disease through biting the susceptible host
Pathognomonic Sign:
  • Herman's Sign
  • Most common in rainy season and in urban places
Prodromal Symptoms:
  • Malaise
  • Anorexia
  • Fever and chills
  • Rash
Diagnostic Tests:
These test are used to detect if a person is infected with Dengue.
  • Torniquet Test
  • CBC. The result will display a decrease in platelet coung
There are 4 Classifications of Dengue Fever
  • Grade I. There will be fever and all prodromal symptoms are present, and a positive torniquet test
  • Grade II. All signs in Grade I plus spontaneous bleeding from nose, gums and GIT
  • Grade III. All signs in Grade I and II, a drop in blood pressure(hypotension), weak pulse, narrow pulse pressure and a cold clammy skin.
  • Grade IV. All signs in Grade I, II, II and presence of shock
  • Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Force Fluids (IV Fluids)
  • Administer analgesics
Nursing Responsibilities:
  • Regulate the IV properly
  • Monitor Vital Signs
  • Monitor the pulse pressure
  • Place in trendelenberg position in case of shock
  • Oxygenation
  • In case of epigastric pain and melena, cold compress over the abdomen
  • Monitor platelet count
  • Early detection and treatment
  • Sleep under mosquito nets
  • Use insecticides
  • Change water of vases and containers


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post. Medical Dictionary had good information on Dengue as well.

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